The support of generations of families, alumnae, community leaders, and others who believe in Catholic all-girls education has established Ursuline Academy as a leading force in education and has enabled its students to grow and thrive for the last 150 years.
Your gift today honors that past and allows the Academy to envision and achieve the brightest future possible for Ursuline in Dallas.
Options for Your Support
The Ursuline Fund
The Ursuline Fund supports all aspects of teaching and learning, including Serviam and spiritual formation, growth of academic and global programming, arts and athletics, student well-being, faculty professional development, and investment in new technologies.
Scholarships empower hopeful, deserving, talented young women who need a helping hand. Your investment supports the unlimited potential of future local and global leaders.
The annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction is the biggest fundraiser for Scholarships.
An endowment is a permanent "trust" account established through philanthropy. The endowment principal earns investment income to benefit the school, helping ensure Ursuline stays a premier educational institution and center of culture and faith.
Learn more about Endowed Funds
Planned Giving
Planned gifts help ensure the financial stability and future growth of Ursuline Academy. Donors who have named Ursuline as the beneficiary of a planned gift are recognized as members of the Ursuline Society.