Ursuline Sisters
Founded in 1874 by the Ursuline Sisters, Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic college preparatory school for young women.
About the Ursuline Sisters
When Saint Angela Merici founded the company of Saint Ursula in 1535, the young women of Brescia, Italy had two options in life: they could marry or enter a cloister. Angela gave them a new option: they could live with their families and stay at their workplaces, while living a life dedicated to God and to the service of others. This desire to empower women is still an important part of Ursuline life today.
The Spirit of Angela Today
The Ursuline Sisters are modern women who carry on Angela's tradition of progressive ministry in their communities. We dare each day to confront the oppression of women and to stand in solidarity with the poor. As women who profess vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, we are committed to education and action for social justice. We bring the Gospel of Jesus to all while acting as agents of peace through justice in all our relationships, towards all peoples and cultures, towards the earth and all creation.
Put your whole soul into the enterprise you have undertaken — Rejoice!
St. Angela Merici
In addition to educating young people in schools, Ursuline sisters in 36 countries respond to the needs of God's people in parishes, in ministry with the poor and marginalized, in retreat work, counseling, and pastoral care. We are proud of our rich history and heritage, committed to the challenges of the present, and excited about the future before us. Today, Ursuline schools continue to benefit over 40,000 students annually.
The Ursuline Sisters Community of Dallas
Sr. Lois Castillon, O.S.U., Prioress
Sr. Glenda Bourgeois, O.S.U.
Sr. Louis Marie Carter, O.S.U.
Sr. Lorene Griffin, O.S.U.
Sr. Jill Jaeb, O.S.U.
Sr. Madeline Kelly, O.S.U.
Sr. Ann Mangelsdorf, O.S.U.
Sr. Mary Troy, O.S.U. '51
The Ursuline Education Network fosters collaboration among educational institutions sponsored by or affiliated with Ursuline congregations in the United States and Canada. The organization promotes the preservation and development of the Ursuline charism and fosters educational excellence, innovation and global connectedness.

Visit the website of the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union Central Province to learn more about the history and heritage of the sisters, find out who they are and what they do in their ministries, make prayer requests, see what's new and much more.

Ursuline educators Sr. Pat Schifini and Sr. Jeannie Humphries offer glimpses into their community, ministries, how they live and what is important to them on this blog.