Ursuline News

Sixth Annual UA Hackathon Results

Ursuline's sixth Hackathon was held on Friday, February 9. Students brainstormed, engineered, and coded innovative solutions to the theme: TechRx: Technological Innovations for Health and Well-Being.

Professionals from Microsoft and PepsiCo had the extremely difficult task to judge the solutions on several criteria including Innovation, Technical Difficulty, Presentation, and User Experience.

1st Place: Michelle Bao, Emma Morales, and Rose Zhao

Innovation: Pink Bows
Pink Bows is an app designed to promote breast cancer awareness and breast health among young women. As breast cancer diagnoses rise in women under forty, it is increasingly important that young women familiarize themselves with their health. By using Pink Bows, women can build a consistent regimen for breast self-exams. Pink Bows allows women to add and store self-exam details such as normal and abnormal lumps, redness, pain, skin dimpling, and more.

2nd Place: Carolina Gomar, Maia Monroe, Alex Sfikas

Innovation: Provasi
A user-friendly app that helps to expand the means of communication in medicine. It is a unique take on a typical symptom tracker, for it is fully picture based, allowing young/ nonverbal children to communicate their symptoms to their parents. We listened to many stories of parents and caretakers having trouble understanding what symptoms their child was feeling; normally, this meant that they needed to take their child to get tested for various illnesses. However, what if a family did not have insurance, could not afford it, or simply just did not have the time. To combat this problem, we created Provasi. The app displays a drawing of a body; the child would click on the different body parts, and then reveal buttons—when pressed, they will illustrate a certain symptom such as a runny nose or an ill stomach. Once finished, the app will reveal a summary of the illness that is most likely to be true, how to treat it, an option to email it to a doctor, and an option to change the summary to different languages. The word “Provasi” means “access” in Greek, further demonstrating our products purpose—to bring more access in the medical world through newer and better means of communication.

3rd Place: Diya Cham, Ariana Koppolu, Lucia Luschek

Innovation: Waste Not Want Not
A service designed to reduce food insecurity and improve the climate. Our app creates a seamless way for restaurants and companies to sign up to donate food, and for vulnerable populations without stable access to food to find food. Since many homeless people are disabled and do not have proper access to transportation, Waste Not Want Not lets homeless communities request delivery for donations of excess food through company or food bank transportation.

Honorable Mention: Ana Meza, Macy Soderburg, Ellen Muirheid

Innovation: Muir-Za-Berg Pill Perfecter
A device and app that keeps track of the weight of pill bottles to determine if a medicine has been taken and if it needs to be refilled. This product is beneficial for caregivers and patients who have trouble keeping track of their medications. By logging into the app, you can check the patient's status to prevent missing medications, taking the wrong pills, or taking the wrong dosage.