Ursuline News

My BackPack Refresher for Parents and Students

You can access My Backpack through the website in the School Portal (in the dropdown, "Ursuline Online Resources") and via the link at the end of each Quicklinks edition. 

What is on My BackPack?
Course schedules, grades, report cards, parent/student directory, attendance records, and billing are posted on My BackPack. We encourage families to check My BackPack at grading periods and periodically throughout the semester. View helpful instructions.

Parents continue to use the same login information for My BackPack as was used during the enrollment process. Parents can also access My BackPack and click on the "I forgot my username/password" link at the bottom. Enter username or email address on file and click "submit." This will email a link to reset your password. If you have any questions, please email backpack@ursulinedallas.org.

Help Us Keep Your Contact Information Current
To ensure you receive email and other communications from Ursuline, please keep your contact information and email addresses current on My BackPack.