
Ursuline News

A Letter From the Principal

Dear Families,

September feels like a magical month to me. Even though I know that for most of my life school has started in August, September feels like the real start to each new school year. Perhaps it’s because after a few weeks have passed, it is possible to lift my head and really see what is happening around me.

I see our students adjusting to new spaces and finding their favorite nooks to study, not always in the “new building.” I see our teachers engaging with energy and joy with their classes. I see the dream of the East Campus building as a lived reality, surpassing what we imagined. I see all of us trying to remember how the rotating schedule works! I see learning and growth in and out of the classrooms. I see girls walking with their classmates, talking and laughing, filling our hallways with life and happy noise. I see the carpool line getting more efficient every day (thank you all so much for your help with this!). I feel Christ’s love enveloping us every day. We are truly so blessed here at Ursuline.

During in-service days last month, we focused on the idea of “community.” This thought, this word, this experience gave shape to the way we planned and worked together. We missed it last year. We also recognized that each may define what community looks and feels like in our own ways. For some, it is the traditions and history of our school; for others, it’s the people they work with most closely every day; for all of us, it is our students. They are the glue of our community, vibrant reminders of why we do what we do. They are gifts.

Thank you for sharing your daughter’s precious high school years with us. We are grateful for all of you!

Dr. Andrea Shurley