Alumnae News

Read Esse 2024

Esse's 58th edition, Esse 2024, is now available online.

This issue of the award-winning magazine features a diverse set of work from Ursuline students, including poetry, short stories, plays, photography, and paintings.

The works follow the theme of "Movement." Esse 2024 was produced by the Ursuline Literary-Art Magazine Club, which was led by Editor-in-Chief Mary Borkowski '24 and Art Editor Mary Atwell '24. The club is moderated by Jocelyn Holmes and George Rodriguez.

Esse 2024 was dedicated to English teacher Megan Griffin. Editor-in-Chief Mary Borkowski '24 wrote of Griffin:

"You are one of those rare teachers that truly makes their students feel known. You see every student for the individual they are and actively foster their growth. Kindness and patience are among your commendable attributes, but the one that shines through is your enthusiasm..."

Read Esse 2024.