Alumnae News

A Reimagined UA Experience, Courtney Kleinenbroich '24

A recent memory that will no doubt go down in history! My freshman year started with a worldwide pandemic and therefore, changed a lot about the beginning of my very important and memorable high school years.

I was so happy and thrilled that I was accepted to Ursuline Academy and couldn’t wait to experience all the traditions I heard that were so wonderful about the school. It was a bit disappointing to find out that some traditions were cancelled, but most were re-imagined. It brought about an uncertainty but also excitement, or what I like to call, a “nerve-ment” (nervous excitement), not knowing exactly how things would play out but having trust in the process.

As it turned out, many traditions lived on, but in a unique way. Between mask wearing and remote learning days, UA rescheduled beloved events at different times during the year. Ultimately, being a part of a reimagined UA experience has been great.