
Excellence in Teaching

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Constituting the values and beliefs about excellence in teaching specifically for Ursuline, the Three Pillars of Teaching Excellence are the foundation on which the Academy's professional learning framework is built.

Reflecting the writings of St. Angela Merici, Ursuline educators demonstrate the following pillars of excellence:
  1. Called to teach as a vocation: Ursuline educators are passionate and are inherently called to teaching as a vocation.
  2. Cherish students as the center of our work: At Ursuline, educators support students, teaching to the wholeness of the student and viewing each one as a child of God.
  3. Devoted to Learning: Ursuline educators are learners who model openness, humility, excitement, and curiosity to students, colleagues, and the broader community.

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"Ursuline has a professional learning environment that encourages community and collaboration. I'm constantly inspired by my peers to be a better teacher, person, and coworker. We support and build each other up and help each other find strategies for teaching. I wouldn't be the teacher I am without the insights I've gained from my colleagues."

-Dr. Corby Baxter, English

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Support and Steward

Ursuline educators support and steward the Ursuline mission of all-girls Catholic education and the students they are entrusted to form. An excellent, Ursuline educator:

  • Is an agent of the Ursuline mission and its success and curates mission-aligned learning environments
  • Cultivates a space where all backgrounds and faiths are welcomed and honored
  • Strives to be a loving and consistent presence
  • Embraces and exhibits the spirit of Serviam
  • Mindfully balances the different facets of life 

"As for you, live and behave in such a way that [they] may see in you a model. And what you want them to do, do it yourselves first." 

St. Angela Merici