Community & Inclusion

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“When I think of Community, I inevitably think of belonging, empathy, and love. I think of the investment in each other’s well-being."

Estela Ayala, Director of Community & Inclusion
C&I Lounge designed by students

Community and Inclusion is a school-wide priority at Ursuline Academy of Dallas.

Over the past five years, our work in this area has been guided by our current strategic roadmap and recommendations made in the Academy's ISAS 10-year reaccreditation visiting team report. 

“My last word to you is that you live in harmony, united together (Insieme) all of one heart and one will: Be bound to one another by the bond of charity, esteeming each other, bearing with each other in Jesus Christ.” 
~St. Angela Merici

Letter From the Ursuline Academy Board of Trustees

“Aligned with our Catholic Ursuline Identity and the Core Values of Ursuline education, the roadmap outlines four priorities, focusing on Student Life, Faculty and Curriculum, School Policies, and Accountability."


C&I News


Maria "Estela" Ayala

Director of Community & Inclusion